The Honourable
The Irish Society

Committed to serving the community

33rd Derry Ballinascreen Scouts

The 33rd Derry Ballinascreens plan to take part in a Scout link camp in England – forming links with a Scout group from a different area.  They believe an opportunity such as this will increase their awareness and respect for different cultures and values, in turn leading to greater peace and harmony in their communities.  The Scouts requested £1,000 towards two Team Building group activities, together with the cost of hoodies to wear on these trips.  The Committee welcomed any events/activities promoting peace and harmony and, noting that the Scouts intended to make up the shortfall of £65 themselves, agreed a grant of £1,000 on behalf of The Drapers’ Company.  Find out more about Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Ventures and Rovers on their website.