The Society evolved into a self-funding, cross-community charitable organisation many years ago and continues to work today for the benefit of the community in County Londonderry.
We welcome applications from individuals and local organisations – from amateur sports and senior citizens clubs; youth groups; community, residents, workers and health associations to schools and other educational bodies – across the entire County. And, for a limited period, in association with The Clothworkers’ Company we can offer grants to charities anywhere in Northern Ireland.

Recent Grants
Look at some of our most recent grant examples and to see if you believe the Society could help you or your organisation

Grants from a few hundred pounds to £2,000 are awarded to a wide range of local causes on the basis of need

Grant Applications will normally be considered by the Local Advisory Committee in February, June and October each year
Applications are considered by a local Advisory Committee comprising a cross-party selection of Councillors, both Mayors and the Chief Executive officers from Derry City & Strabane District and Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Councils who work closely with the Society’s Representative to ensure requests for assistance fall within one of the charitable purposes shown on the application form.
Grants from a few hundred pounds to £2,000 are awarded to a wide range of local causes on the basis of need and with the Society’s aim of promoting the welfare of the County and in particular its two principal centres, the City of Londonderry and the Town of Coleraine – or, in the case of the Northern Ireland Fund, across that wider geographical area.
Look at some of our Grant examples and check the Guidelines to see if you believe the Society could help you or your organisation. Or see details of Recent Grants awarded in the News and Events section. Other sources of funding can also be found in the Northern Ireland Trust Group’s Voluntary Action Handbook.