The Honourable
The Irish Society

Committed to serving the community

82nd Ebrington Presbyterian Girls’ Brigade, Derry

A voluntary church-based Christian ministry which reaches out to girls and young women, the 82nd Ebrington Girls Brigade Committee wanted to buy branded hoodies for their 35 members and eight leaders.  They believed that all wearing the same for Girls’ Brigade nights and other outings would give everyone a feeling of unity without the pressure on families to buy a complete uniform.  The Secretary advised that he had visited Ebrington Presbyterian Church recently and been aware of the sense of belonging.  He also noted the Brigade’s encouragement for young girls to engage in activities that reflect friendship, faith and fun.  Cllr Drew Thompson was similarly familiar with the good work undertaken by the Girls’ Brigade and was wholly in support of the application.  With this in mind, the Committee agreed to award £685 to cover the cost of 43 hoodies for the GB’s leaders, seniors and brigadiers, juniors and explorers.