The Honourable
The Irish Society

Committed to serving the community

Aughadarragh Parent Support Association, Co Tyrone

Working with local families to promote additional support available to children in and around their rural community, Aughadarragh Parent Support Association sought funding towards the purchase of reading materials to enable them to deliver an extra-curricular after-school evening and weekend programme in conjunction with qualified educators over the summer, autumn and winter months.  Aiming to reconnect youngsters with literacy and reading, APSA also intends to link with wider youth and community organisations to ensure all children and local families know about the programme; have equal opportunities to access educational support; and that no-one misses out.  And they plan to deliver a service where families can borrow reading resources and no cost so that children can learn at home too.  Recognising that the after-school programme will offer a safe and enjoyable space to learn / catch up on education time lost to the pandemic, the Committee was content to endorse a grant of £1,050 from the Clothworkers’ NI Fund.