The Honourable
The Irish Society

Committed to serving the community

Bellaghy Primary School Parent Teacher Association : “WHERE CHILDREN COME FIRST”

Striving to keep up with the latest technology, but challenged with the lack of support from the Department of Education, Bellaghy PS’s PTA applied for funding to help purchase a Clevertouch interactive whiteboard for the use of their children in Foundation Stage and for after-school club.  Councillor McGuigan supported the application and reminded all members of the financial struggles that schools constantly face – upon which the Committee readily agreed a grant of £1,500 on behalf of The Drapers’ Company.
Principal, Mrs Richmond wrote in June to confirm that “The new Clevertouch board has been fitted and the children are benefitting from this latest technology in their classroom – which ensures their ICT skills are developing at an appropriate level with up to date hardware”.  She added that “As a small school, we cannot afford to purchase such ICT equipment with our Department of Education allocation ….  We are, therefore, indebted to The Honourable The Irish Society for the funding to assist with the purchase … and, on behalf of everyone in our school, I would like to thank you sincerely for the donation of £1500”.  Mrs Richmond also invited the Irish Society to “call in and see us if you are in the Bellaghy area”!