Founded in 1972 in the Fountain Estate, and having opened to just 13 young people attending on Friday nights, CYC currently operates from 9am-9pm five days a week offering a wide variety of programmes to approx. 124 members. The Club sought funding to enhance its newly refurbished premises by transforming the associated flat (leased from The Housing Executive) into a hair and beauty therapy unit. Not only offering career/training/experience opportunities for young people in partnership with North West Regional College, it is intended to provide an accessible/affordable facility for anyone who finds it difficult to go into town. The ‘shopping list’ included paint and brushes, flooring, mirrors, hairdressing equipment plus sink and chair, and labour. Alderman Hilary McClintock commented on the fantastic work the Youth Club does – the Governor of the Irish Society also referred to the success of CYC’s coffee shop (witnessed during a visit the previous day). And, learning that the hair and beauty facility will provide a new income stream for the Club, the Committee awarded a grant of £1,500.