The Honourable
The Irish Society

Committed to serving the community

Knockloughrim Primary School Parent Teacher Association, Magherafelt

Managed by a group of volunteers, Knockloughrim Primary School PTA aims to support the work of the Principal and teaching staff in delivering a stimulating and rewarding learning environment.  Cllr Brian McGuigan was aware of the School and fully supported the PTA’s application for funding to create an outdoor classroom facility for “Messy Educational Play” for younger children and those with Special Educational Needs.  On his recommendation, the Committee agreed a grant of £1,000 obo the Drapers’ Company towards the purchase of a 8×10 garden shed to house the facility.  The PTA wrote later to confirm that “The grant aid has helped the School significantly.  With little to no space for children to participate in outdoor learning, the new outdoor classroom will provide a creative space to teach and enjoy messy play, arts and crafts, forest school activities, etc.  In addition, time away from busy routines and timetables will benefit the children in numerous ways.  The new space will also allow the School to invest in related equipment and store it in the new area where it will be secure and safe to be used as allocated times and when supervision can be given”.