The Honourable
The Irish Society

Committed to serving the community

North-West Methodist Mission, Derry

Providing a wrap-around service for some of the most vulnerable members of their community, NWMM offers emergency and temporary housing support; hot meals; health and wellbeing advice; practical support to help clients transition to permanent housing; and on-going ‘after care’ – from home visits to food hampers and the invitation to attend their drop-in centre for a wide range of activities / events or simply to socialise with others.  Demand for the drop-in centre has increased significantly in recent years and NWMM applied for funding to sustain this critical element of their services.  Mayor Sandra Duffy commented on the tremendous work the Mission undertakes; it is much valued; and the centre is important to those returning for ongoing support.  She was 100% supportive, and had encouraged them to apply for funding to the Committee.  Accordingly, the Committee agreed to an Irish Society grant of £1,035 to cover the cost of repairs to the existing pool table; a new dartboard; other board games; and arts and crafts materials.