The Honourable
The Irish Society

Committed to serving the community

Portstewart Football & Community Club

Founded in 1968, Portstewart Football & Community Club has grown in numbers to now having over 150 playing members ranging from U-10s to Senior football.  With this in mind, their facility at St John’s Close is a hub of activity seven days a week – with the main pitch used every day for training or matches.  Conscious of the need for good internal structure which includes well managed paperwork, the Club applied for funding towards the purchase of two laptops enabling the storage of data and internal records securely and appropriately in line with GDPR.  The laptops will also provide their volunteer coaches with high quality IT to plan training sessions, deliver nutritional workshops, etc; the Club will be able to promote activities online and run programmes for the wider community to take part; and bringing all paperwork and records online will reduce the transmission of Covid-19 thereby creating safer experiences for all members.  Alderman Fielding spoke highly of this club and, on his recommendation, the Committee agreed a grant of £998 as costed in the application.  The Club wrote in January 2021 to thank us for the award which enabled the “purchase of two laptops and a printer for use by Club officials.  This equipment has allowed PFC&CC to organise and maintain digital accounts and record keeping.  In turn, the process has alleviated the stress on members in producing detailed and accurate financial reports and documents”.