The Honourable
The Irish Society

Committed to serving the community

St Canice’s Ladies Gaelic Football Club, Dungiven

Promoting and developing ladies’ Gaelic football in the Dungiven and surrounding area, and as the mainstream GAA Club had never provided coaching for underage girls, St Canice’s decided in 2010-11 to open membership and focus improving key skills for their younger girls.  They have grown significantly in recent years and can now offer U6, U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and Senior level.  Under their ‘one child : one ball’ initiative the Club aims to give every child a football at each underage training session – helping coaches to support each individual player’s development and help each girl to improve her skills.  Catering for 124 girls, and a 12 pack of balls costing £130, the Club sought funding to purchase nine packs.  The Committee agreed a grant of £1,170 obo The Drapers’ Company as requested in the application.
The Committee of St Canice’s Ladies GFC wrote to express their appreciation for the grant, advising that “It was used to help make a difference to over 100 young girls and their coaches …… who were able to train the whole team together, teaching the basic skills of Ladies Football.  At each training session, the players then had more time to practice and develop these skills, whereas before, they would be waiting in line for their turn, due to a shortage of footballs”.