The Honourable
The Irish Society

Committed to serving the community

St Columba’s Primary School PTA : “We Care, We Share, We Learn Together”, Draperstown

A small rural school with 145 pupils, St Columba’s Primary provides educational, social, physical, cultural and environmental opportunities for children from the Straw area.  The PTA supports the School by raising money to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for all pupils.  But, following a survey, it was discovered that there is limited parental knowledge about Internet safety and the appropriateness of certain platforms for children.  So funding was sought to launch on Internet Safety Day after-school training session and workshops for parents, to give them the tools to protect children in their care on-line and prepare them for the future.  Councillor McGuigan was more than happy to support the application and welcomed initiatives to upskill adults.  On his recommendation, the Committee agreed a grant of £1,500 on behalf of The Drapers’ Company to cover the cost of two new i-Pads.