The Honourable
The Irish Society

Committed to serving the community

We Are Pangs, Belfast

Located in North Belfast, We Are Pangs offers a range of perinatal services to parents, both online and face to face.  Once restrictions are lifted, the group will host a 10 week mental health wellbeing workshop for parents struggling with depression and anxiety, isolation and loneliness.  Financial assistance has been requested to help with tutor costs and materials.  A Clothworkers’ grant of £1,280 was awarded.  We received a note later in the year “… to sincerely thank The Honourable The Irish Society for assisting us to facilitate this program which served parents across Northern Ireland and allowed those who had been struggling with concerns around depression and anxiety to come together, learn new coping skills, meet others, reduce isolation, and generally improve their overall mental and emotional wellbeing.  The parents who attended reported an improvement in their mood, their levels of stress, their sense of achievement and confidence.  They also reported having more tools to take control over their own wellbeing.  The impacts of this go farther than the wellbeing of the parent – it extends to the wider family, improving relationships, and mitigating the impact of parental mental illness on children”.  The feedback also included notification that the organisation is now known as The Parent Rooms.